Clearing Buddha Body Chain


This handmade body chain is made with copper wire and features beautiful Buddha, tigers eye, serpentine, and yellow turquoise beads. Copper is a powerful conductor of energy and is believed to enhance the properties of the stones it is paired with. Tigers eye is a grounding stone that helps to balance the energies of the body and brings a sense of calm and clarity. Serpentine is a stone that is said to help clear and activate the heart chakra, promoting love and self-healing. Yellow turquoise is a stone that is believed to bring joy, compassion, and a sense of connection to others. When worn, this body chain not only adds a stylish and unique touch to any outfit, but also promotes feelings of grounding, self-love, and connection to others.

Availability: 1 in stock

Multifunctional :

Can be worn as a body chain or a necklace.


  • Crystals
  • Copper
  • Swarovski Crystals
  • Metal

Tiger’s Eye

Combining Earth energy with that of the Sun, draws spiritual energy down to the Earth, while still keeping you centered here on the ground.Known as a stone of protection, especially for travelers, brings good luck and prosperity to the user. Attracts abundance and can also stimulate the rise of Kundalini energies Is a powerful Solar Plexus Chakra stone, helpful to manifest ideas into reality and giving courage in times of change. To increase your personal power. enhances psychic abilities and balances the lower Chakras.


Helps to clear out and release the clouded/dense areas of all chakras so that healing can occur. Serpentine will help with healing on all levels (mental, emotional, and physical). Serpentine can be used to attract/manifest what you want into your life–abundance on all levels, prosperity, love, healing. Ancient Knowledge and Wisdom, Clears Chakras, Enhancing Psychic Abilities, General Respect, Healing, Kundalini Energy, Past Life Recall.

Yellow Turquoise

Is also said to be beneficial in enhancing intuition, creativity, and communication. It is also used as a protective stone, which brings an increase of energy and power by way of protecting the same. Moreover, it is also said that this stone brings positive energy, as well as sensitivity. It’s linked mainly with the solar plexus chakra, yet it also used in strengthening and aligning all the chakras.


The Healing Metal. Excellent conductor of energy, copper is known as the lucky metal, as well as the healing metal. It is the conductor of the spiritualist’s belief system. Copper conducts spiritual energy back and forth between individuals, crystals, auras, the mind and the spirit world. It is linked with the Divine and attributes to the Queen of Heaven. Any stone with Copper, in or around it, is said to have enhanced properties. It even enhances the energy of Silver and Gold.