Blue Goldstone Amazonite Lotus Bralette


This one-of-a-kind handmade crystal brallette is a true statement piece, featuring a stunning array of blue goldstone, amazonite, quartz, mother of pearl, opalite, and onyx beads. Each bead is carefully selected and chosen for its unique energetic properties, which are amplified by the intricate wire wrapping. Blue goldstone is a stone of ambition and motivation, helping to bring a sense of drive and determination. Amazonite is a stone of communication and truth, helping to bring clarity and honesty to one’s thoughts and actions. Quartz is a powerful and versatile stone that can amplify the properties of other stones and bring clarity to the mind. Mother of pearl is a stone of protection and calm, helping to bring a sense of peace and tranquility. Opalite is a stone of peace and tranquility, promoting feelings of calm and relaxation. Onyx is a grounding and protective stone that helps to bring a sense of stability and security. When worn, this brallette not only adds a unique and eye-catching touch to any outfit, but also helps to cultivate feelings of ambition, clarity, peace, and stability.

Availability: 1 in stock


  • Crystals
  • Swarovski Crystals
  • Metal

Blue Goldstone

The Stone of Ambition. Connects one with the divine and provides one with wisdom, energy and courage. Assisting with learning and communication, it teaches one to see the light at the end of the darkness and that everything is the source of energy and vibration. One of the best stones for Empaths, people dealing with hypersensitivity. It vibrates at the frequencies of new beginnings and balance. Associated with the throat chakra, encourages acceptance of who we are, to express authenticity and no longer deny our truth.


Aligns the Physical to the Etheric body, has a strong vibration with active metaphysical properties. It embraces the Throat Chakra, to enhance communication, and the Higher Heart/Thymus Chakra, to help one stay calm and balanced.  It inspires speaking with confidence and self-assurance and produces hope in the success of the process.


The stone of power, amplifies any energy or intention. Protects against negativity, attunes to your higher self. Enhances and strengthens the aura. Amplifying, Angel and spirit guide communication and connection, , Connecting with Higher Realms, Connecting with Inner Child, Divine Love/ Connection/Guidance, Humility, Increase Consciousness, Shamanic Healing, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Guidance, Telepathy.

Mother of Pearl

A protection stone, which brings the gentle healing power of the sea. It is a stress relieving stone; relaxing, soothing and calming to the emotions. Stimulates our intuition, imagination, sensitivity and adaptability. Helps our emotions become more harmonious and balanced. Calming and soothing to temper or feelings of fear. Enables you to more easily express feelings of love. Helps with clarity in decision making and is helpful for endurance, organization and for home life. Protection and calming.


Is subtle yet highly energetic. It is ideal for meditation. Improves communication on all levels, especially the spiritual. It removes energy blockages of the chakras and meridians. Emotionally, Opalite helps by assisting during transitions of all kinds. It engenders persistence and gives us strength in verbalizing our hidden feelings. Can help us to be successful in business. Is for all- around healing. It aids sexual prowess, enhancing sexual experience. stabilize mood swings and helps in overcoming fatigue.


A powerful protection stone, Onyx absorbs and transforms negative energy, helps to prevent the drain of personal energy. This is a strength-giving stone and can provide support for self discipline issues and helps you to become master of your own future. Aids the development of emotional and physical strength and stamina, especially when support is needed during times of stress. Because it helps to hold physical memories, it can be useful in healing old wounds or past life issues, and working with the Root Chakra, for grounding, and to help realize material goals.