Amazon Goddess Bikini Top


This one-of-a-kind handmade crystal beaded bra top is a true masterpiece, perfect for festival wear. Featuring intricate beadwork and a stunning selection of crystals, it is sure to make a statement at any festival or event. Each crystal is carefully chosen for its unique energetic properties, which are amplified by the delicate beadwork. When worn, this bra not only adds a unique and eye-catching touch to any festival outfit, but also helps to cultivate feelings of well-being and vitality by balancing and aligning the chakras and meridians. It is a truly special piece that is sure to turn heads and bring a touch of magic to any festival experience.

Availability: 1 in stock


  • Copper
  • Crystals
  • Metal


  1. Now measure your bust. Place the tape at the fullest part of your bust. Make sure it’s parallel to your band again.


Considered to be a bridge between Heaven/Sky and Earth, grounding us while still remaining open to Spirit. Is a protective stone, often being used for amulets. Is also a healing stone, providing strength and purification. Great to use when removing and releasing old behaviors such as self-sabotage and self-martyrdom that no longer serves in growth. Foster honest and clear communication from the heart.


Jade is a stone of Abundance and Prosperity, Harmony, Love, Peace and Peacefulness. Balances Yang Energy, Balances Yin Energy.


The Calming Stone, howlite is the stone of calmness, comfort, knowledge, memory and progress. It helps relieve an overactive mind. Has the ability to heal mentally, physically and emotionally.


Known as the “supreme nurturer”. It sustains and supports during times of stress, bringing a sense of tranquility and wholeness. Used in healing, it unifies all aspects of your life. It is a stone of protection, absorbing all types of negative energies. Jasper helps to balance and align the physical, mental and emotional bodies with the etheric realm. Jasper is a stone of courage and determination. Connecting to Mother Earth, Earth Healing, Grounding.


Opalite encourages self-exploration, tapping into your True Self and your truest desires. It is often called the stone of “personal endowment” and can do amazing things for your confidence.


The healing metal excellent conductor of energy, copper is known as the lucky metal, as well as the healing metal. It is the conductor of the spiritualist’s belief system. Copper conducts spiritual energy back and forth between individuals, crystals, auras, the mind and the spirit world. It is linked with the Divine and attributes to the Queen of Heaven. Any stone with Copper, in or around it, is said to have enhanced properties. It even enhances the energy of Silver and Gold.