Goddess Bastet Selenite Athame (Ceremonial Dagger)


NOTE: While this exact piece has found a loving home, you can contact me to commission another one with a similar design (or one to your liking). A 50% non-refundable deposit is required for custom orders. Each item is meticulously handcrafted and packaged with the utmost care and consideration.

Selenite Athame (Ceremonial Dagger) a powerful tool for ceremony and rituals like cutting cords, clearing energy, releasing negative energy, and channeling energy. Selenite is ideal for all types of energy clearing. Has the ability to clear, protect and shield your energy body, clear the energy of other crystals and home. It unblocks any stagnant or negative energy to create a smooth flow of positive energy. Magnifies the energy of other gemstone placed upon it, making it perfect for reactivating and recharging your jewelry and healing crystals.

Each Dagger is hand carved and unique. With a willow branch handle with quartz, and Goddess Isis medallion

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Selenite is known as a Doorway or Gateway crystal as it facilitates spiritual activation and awakening. It encourages and activates communication with your higher-self, spirit guides and angles. Opens you to receive activations from other dimensions, can aid one in astral travel and accessing higher planes of consciousness through meditation. Physically it clears energy congestion & blockages, aids inner alignment, and facilitates healing and auric cleansing. It clears negativity from one’s physical & etheric body. Quickly opening and activation the 3rd eye, crown and soul star chakra above the head.

Goddess Bastet was the goddess of protection, pleasure, and the bringer of good health.



Is used to release energetic ties that no longer serve us. Cord Cutting Rituals have been used through the centuries in order to remove ties to various things in our lives, such as people, emotions, habits, relationships, traumas, or events. When we exchange energy with another person, there is a potential for their energy to stick with us. Cords are created through thoughts, emotions, or overstepped boundaries, and sometimes we pick up energetic bonds with others that do not serve our highest good. Occasionally we feel like something is pulling on our energy or holding us back, and we may also need to release negative thoughts or behaviors from within. Cutting the cord helps us to cleanse ourselves of the unnecessary energy we pick up on so our spiritual bodies remain protected. Remember, this practice isn’t meant to cut emotional ties rather releasing energetic ties.

1. Cleanse your space
2. Close your eyes and determine where you feel the unwanted energy 3. Visualize yourself pulling that energy out of you with your hands
4. Use the crystal sword to cut the energy cord
5. Replace the energy cord with love, light, and positive thoughts
6. Take some time to reflect, forgive, and appreciate what you’ve learned

Casting a Circle of Protection

If you are casting a circle of protection for ritual work, you’ll want to use your athame. Walk in a clockwise fashion around your space with the blade pointed toward where you visualize yourself creating the edge of the circle. As you do, use the athame knife to energetically draw the circle’s outline in blue flame.

Consecrating Items

You can use your athame to consecrate various items, including those that you use as part of your ritual. For instance, it can be used to purify water and incense for your altar.