Orgonite Pendulum Kit


Orgonite Pendulum Kit: Includes Orgonite pendulum with Amazonite handle, divination board and beginners guide. Everything you need to connect with your higher self and energy for guidance and divination.

Easy instruction on clearing, programming and working with your pendulum.

What is Pendulum divination?
A pendulum you can get a quick “Yes”, “No”, or “maybe” answers depending on how you have programmed your pendulum. Communicate with your higher self, deity, spirits or ancestors. It is a form of gaining insight from a higher intelligence. Divination tools help the seeker to focus (and listen) to divine guidance or spirit by asking the right questions.
The pendulum acts as a form of receiver and transmitter, similar to a radio picking up unseen radio waves. When asking a question, our unconscious mind responds by influencing the nerve endings in our fingers causing the pendulum to swing in response, using our body outwardly expresses our inner knowing.

What is Orgonite?
Orgone is energy that is produced when layering and mixing inorganic and organic material under pressure (in this case, curing with resin)
Orgone is a type of life force energy, chi, or etheric energy.
This vital energy enables organisms to simply exist in a healthy state.
Each of our handmade pieces are made with fine powder minerals and metals to cover more surface area which generates a constant flow of energy that produces negative ions. Negative ions are produced naturally and are beneficial to the human body. They can be found in nature, certain metals and minerals.

Amazonite Absorbs Undesirable Energy, dispels Negative Energy. Stimulates: Courage,Tranquility,Communication,Manifestation, Emotional Healing, Prosperity (Business). Metaphysical Properties: Aligns the astral bodies. Assists in staying calm and balanced. Stimulates Throat Chakra. Improves confidence and strengthens the will. It brings extra energy to the power of affirmations. Enhances loving. Assists one to heal and restore any problem areas within the etheric body, Links one with their intuition