
Fluorite Rose Ring


This handmade copper ring features a stunning fluorite crystal shaped like a rose. Fluorite is a type of gemstone known for its ability to help with focus and clarity, making it a popular choice for jewelry. Copper is a type of metal that is known for its healing and grounding properties. The combination of the two creates a unique piece of jewelry that is sure to make a statement and bring positive energy to the wearer.




  • Crystals
  • Copper


The Genius Stone, Fluorite absorbs and neutralizes negative vibrations. It clears the fog of illusion and brings order to chaos to manifest purification and harmony.  It strengthens the  analytical mind to enhance concentration. Fluorite is best used to access the universal energies, which activate all that is good for the whole body. Helps to assist one into reaching the ultimate state of physical perfection.


  • Power
  • Healing
  • Protection
  • Grounding


  • Psychic Manipulation


  • Concentration
  • Intuition
  • Concentration
  • One’s Free Spirit


  • Balances Crown and Third-Eye Chakras
  • Cleanses to renew The Chakras
  • Increases intuitive abilities
  • Helps one to develop connection with spirit
  • Cleans the Aura of any negative energy
  • Shields the Aura from psychic manipulation
  • Grounds and Harmonizes Spiritual Energy
  • Allows one to release the free spirit within
  • Absorbs and neutralizes negative vibrations
  • Enhances mental clarity and stability
  • Strengthens bones and teeth
  • It helps to open the way for the power of other stones to be effective
  • Balances the chemistry in the brain
  • Absorbs negative energy in the environment
  • Makes one more receptive to the vibrations of other stones
  • Meditate with Fluorite to energize the body and raise the power of concentration


The healing metal excellent conductor of energy, copper is known as the lucky metal, as well as the healing metal. It is the conductor of the spiritualist’s belief system. Copper conducts spiritual energy back and forth between individuals, crystals, auras, the mind and the spirit world. It is linked with the Divine and attributes to the Queen of Heaven. Any stone with Copper, in or around it, is said to have enhanced properties. It even enhances the energy of Silver and Gold.