
Diamond Cluster Orgonite Garnet Rose Quartz Ring


This handmade diamond shaped orgonite ring featuring garnet and citrine, adds a touch of whimsy to any outfit. Garnet is a type of gemstone known for its energy and passion, making it a popular choice for jewelry. The rose quartz crystal adds an extra touch of love and compassion to the piece. Orgonite, a material made from resin, metal shavings, and crystals, is believed to have healing and spiritual properties. This unique ring is sure to make a statement and bring positive energy to the wearer.




  • Crystals
  • Copper
  • 24k gold leaf
  • Metal
  • Resin


What are the benefits of orgonite? The most commonly reported effects of orgonite are:
• Better sleep and vivid dreams
• More energy
• Balanced moods
• Decreased sensitivity to EMFs
• Spiritual and psychological growth
• Increased resistance to illness (orgonite should never be used as a substitute for professional medical care)
What are some uses for orgonite? Most people use orgonite to balance and strengthen their energetic field, and to help provide protection against EMFs. You can also use it to:
• Deepen meditation
• Boost plant growth
• Remove negative energy in a specific place
• Strengthen intentions and visualisations


Garnet’s fire stimulates the survival instinct, bringing willpower and courage to a situation. Can cleanse the chakras of negative energies and re-energize them. Manifestation, Prosperity, Transformation, Unity Compassion, Dignity, Honesty, Love, Loyalty, Commitment Relationships, Self Confidence and Self Worth, Willpower.

Rose Quartz

Opens the heart for all types of love into your life. Promotes peace and confidence. Calming for the mind, assisting you in releasing worry, fear, anxiety and past emotional trauma. It clears the emotional body of ego-driven patterns bringing them into harmony and unity with the heart. Activates the bridge between the upper three chakras and the lower three.


The Healing Metal, excellent conductor of energy, copper is known as the lucky metal, as well as the healing metal. It is the conductor of the spiritualist’s belief system. Copper conducts spiritual energy back and forth between individuals, crystals, auras, the mind and the spirit world. It is linked with the Divine and attributes to the Queen of Heaven. Any stone with Copper, in or around it, is said to have enhanced properties. It even enhances the energy of Silver and Gold.