Garnet Rose Quartz Buddha Body Chain


This handmade body chain is made with copper wire and features Buddha beads along with beautiful garnet, rutilated quartz, red jade, and rose quartz beads. Copper is a powerful conductor of energy and is believed to enhance the properties of the stones it is paired with. Garnet is a stone that is believed to bring feelings of passion, courage, and strength. Rutilated quartz is a stone that is said to bring clarity and focus to the mind and help with decision-making. Red jade is a stone that is believed to bring a sense of balance, stability, and calm. Rose quartz is a stone that is known for its healing properties and is believed to bring love, compassion, and self-acceptance. When worn, this body chain not only adds a stylish and unique touch to any outfit, but also promotes feelings of passion, clarity, balance, and love.

Availability: 1 in stock

Multifunctional :

Can be worn as a body chain or a necklace.


  • Crystals
  • Copper
  • Metal


Garnet’s fire stimulates the survival instinct, bringing willpower and courage to a situation. Can cleanse the chakras of negative energies and re-energize them. Manifestation, Prosperity, Transformation, Unity Compassion, Dignity, Honesty, Love, Loyalty, Commitment Relationships, Self Confidence and Self Worth, Willpower.

Rutilated Quartz

Clears energy blockages from all of the chakras, attunes one to their Divine Purpose. Exceptionally high level of energy, is said to bring physical, mental balance and stability. Enhances self-reliance and helps with decision-making. Amplifying, Angel and Spirit Guide Communication and Connection, Aura Cleansing and Clearing, Aura Revitalizing, Clairvoyance, Past Life Recall, Coping with Phobias, Discernment, Fear, Forgiveness, Happiness, Motivation, Self Control.

Red Jade

The chi stone, bringing forward the energy of the warrior. Is a talisman of individual power, will, dispelling fear, worry and doubt that holds one back, urging one to take action. A stone of physical vitality, strength and passion, stimulating the Life-Force energy. A stone of the insights, wisdom, knowledge, and creativity. A powerful healing stone, increases your luck and good fortune, strengthens personal relationships. Signifies peace and tranquility as it will eliminate negative energies in your life.

Rose Quartz

Opens the heart for all types of love into your life. Promotes peace and confidence. Calming for the mind, assisting you in releasing worry, fear, anxiety and past emotional trauma. It clears the emotional body of ego-driven patterns bringing them into harmony and unity with the heart. Activates the bridge between the upper three chakras and the lower three.


The Healing Metal, excellent conductor of energy, copper is known as the lucky metal, as well as the healing metal. It is the conductor of the spiritualist’s belief system. Copper conducts spiritual energy back and forth between individuals, crystals, auras, the mind and the spirit world. It is linked with the Divine and attributes to the Queen of Heaven. Any stone with Copper, in or around it, is said to have enhanced properties. It even enhances the energy of Silver and Gold.